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Coverpage Not Included When Faxing Using NetPrintQueue2FAX


No Coverpage is sent with the fax when faxing using the NetPrintQueue2FAX printer.


  • FaxMaker
  • NetPrintQueue2FAX printer
  • All Supported Environments

Root Cause

GFI FaxMaker is configured to only send a Coverpage when text is included in the message. A text message body is included in the email, which is inserted in the coverpage when sending a fax using GFI FaxMaker.
However, NetPrintQueue2FAX provides an image to be sent as fax and therefore, the fax will not contain any text message body.


  1. Open the GFI FAXmaker configuration.
  2. Expand the Coverpages node.
  3. Right click on Coverpages > Properties.
  4. Disable the 'Coverpages will be sent only if message text is present' option. 
  5. Click Ok to apply changes.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
