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Sending Long SMS Messages with GFI Faxmaker


SMS messages that are longer than 160 characters are cut in multiple SMS Messages. This is an SMS standard for text messaging transport (7-bit ASCII) and cannot be changed in GFI FaxMaker or your SMS gateway. This article provides the steps to change the allowed number of messages to be sent.


You can change the allowed number of messages to be sent by following the steps below:

  1. Open the GFI FaxMaker configuration.
  2. Go to the SMS section.
  3. Go to Properties and change the number in Maximum SMS messages.

NOTE: The Maximum SMS messages option is mainly used for cost control, as each message accrues costs.

If you are using Unicode, you will be restricted to 70 character messages. You can disable Unicode by editing the fmsmscomms.xml file:

  1. Create a backup of ..\FAXmaker\fmsmscomms.xml.
  2. Open fmsmscomms.xml with Notepad or Mircosoft Editor.
  3. Directly above </config> add the line  <option name="disableunicode" value="1" />.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Restart the GFI FAXmaker Message Transfer Agent service.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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