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Installing GFI Faxmaker on a Separate Machine from the Exchange 2007/2010/2013 Server


When GFI FaxMaker is installed on a separate machine than Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010/2013, a Send and a Receive Connector needs to be created.

The Receive Connector is required by Microsoft Exchange server to be able to accept emails from GFI FaxMaker (incoming faxes, fax transmission reports, and other administrative messages).

The Send Connector is required by Microsoft Exchange server to be able to route outbound fax emails to the GFI FaxMaker machine. These are the emails which are sent to:

  • The SMTP domains- and
  • NON-SMTP address types- FAX and SMS.


  • The steps in this article are only required when GFI FaxMaker is not installed on the same machine as Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010/2013.

  • Connectors for Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010/2013 are created automatically when GFI FaxMaker is installed on the same machine as Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010/2013.

  • If GFI FaxMaker is installed separately from Microsoft Exchange, the GFI FaxMaker installer can be run on the Exchange Box (select connectors only during install) to perform tasks described below automatically.  For more details, please refer to- Installing the Exchange Connector Using the GFI FaxMaker Installer.

This article describes how to configure the Send and Receive Connectors and the installation of GFI FaxMaker on a different machine than the one from Exchange 2007/2010/2013.



  • Add a Receive Connector for GFI FaxMaker in Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010/2013:

    1. Open Exchange Management Shell from Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010.
    2. In the console, enter the following (Replace the IP address as required. IP address should of the machine where GFI FaxMaker is installed):
      new-receiveconnector -name "GFIFaxMaker" -Bindings "" -RemoteIPRanges
      -AuthMechanism "ExternalAuthoritative" -PermissionGroups "ExchangeServers" -fqdn ""
    3. Press Enter.
    4. Open the Exchange Management Console > Server Configuration > Hub Transport > Receive Connectors to verify the creation of the new Receive Connector.

  • Add a Send Connector for GFI FaxMaker in Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010/2013:

    1. Open Exchange Management Shell from Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010.
    2. In the console enter the following(Replace the IP address as required. IP address should of the machine where GFI FaxMaker is installed):
      new-sendconnector -name "GFIFaxmaker" -AddressSpaces,
           , FAX:* , SMS:* -DNSRoutingEnabled:$false -SmartHosts
      Open the Exchange Management Console > Organization Configuration > Hub Transport > Send Connectors tab to verify the creation of the new Send Connector. This connector should be set to Enabled by default.

  • Install GFI FaxMaker

    1. Install GFI FaxMaker on a separate machine than Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 as per the instructions found in the document Installing GFI FaxMaker.
    2. In the FaxMaker Configuration Wizard, choose the Mail Server screen you need, to select Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003 on another machine. Proceed with the steps in the installation wizard.


Additional Notes:

  • The Send Connector created using the procedure above allows you to send faxes using any of the following methods:
    • Send to an Outlook Business Fax Contact.
    • Send using one-off addressing with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange.
    • Send <number>@faxdomain.
  • To remove the Receive Connector:
    1. Open the Exchange Management Console > Server Configuration > Hub Transport > Receive Connectors.
    2. Click on the GFI FaxMaker Receive Connector.
    3. In the Actions section, Click Remove.
  • To remove the Send Connector:
    1. Open the Exchange Management Console > Organization Configuration > Hub Transport > Send Connectors.
    2. Click on the GFI FaxMaker Send Connector.
    3. In the Actions section, Click Remove.
  • It may be necessary to restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service after creating the new connectors for proper routing to take effect.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
