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Inbound Faxes Are Not Auto Printing on Build 19.2


After upgrading to FaxMaker 19.2 (build 20180502), the auto printing feature no longer works when configured either by using the Lines and Devices > Advanced Tab or any of the routing methods.


FaxMaker 19.2 (build 20180502)

Root Cause

The auto printing process was reworked in 19.2. Rather than using direct printing or SMB printing, the print job now triggers a task in the task scheduler, which is set up when FaxMaker 19.2 is installed.  The current issue now is if the fax server service is not logged in, the items do not print.


The workaround listed will allow the print jobs to trigger the task, and the task will operate properly and print. The only issue that might persist is the multiple fax requests might not get printed. The Etherfax lines, when downloading more than one fax at a time, as well as multiple inbound lines receiving at the same time, are an example of this.  

  1. Open Task Scheduler.
  2. Select Task Scheduler Library.
  3. Select FAXmakerAutoPrintTask and right-click and select Properties.
  4. By default the radio button Run only when the user is logged on is selected.
  5. Select the radio button Run whether the user is logged on or not.
  6. Click OK.
  7. You will be prompted for credentials for the service account.
  8. Restart FaxMaker services and test.

Note: This fix, as well as the issues with multiple incoming faxes, was fixed in FaxMaker 20. Even if you are able to change the task on version 19.2 as listed in the workaround, it is recommended to upgrade to version 20.


The inbound fax routing completes auto printing successfully.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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