On ExOS 7.4.x, creating a scheduled report involving the Control Discards (discards per policy per virtual circuit), that graph will have Legend labels that are identical, regardless of the policy names that they should be.Overview
Scheduling reports in the Exinda is a way to get all relevant information emailed to administrators on a regular basis. All the graphs available on the web UI are available for scheduled reporting. One such graph is the 'Control Discards' graph, which shows packet discards that each policy in a virtual circuit have discarded.When viewing a scheduled report PDF, or an ad-hoc PDF report created through the web UI on the Control > Discards graph, it is seen that the graph Legend - the label and colour mapping for each item in the graph - are incorrect and will show only the name of the last policy in the table, like the following:
Notice that all three boxes (the blue, light green and teal) show 'Discard Steam', which correspond to Policy #3. They are supposed to be the names of all the policies in the list. If viewed on the web UI under Monitor > Control, the "Discard" tab, the values appear correct:
Priyanka Bhotika