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Changing Virtualization Ports


When using the Exinda as a virtualization platform, it is possible to change the interface that virtualization uses for communication. This article provides general information on that matter and includes commands to achieve so.



If an Exinda device is licensed for virtualization, one of the AUX ports (eth0-3) should be used as a virtualization port. Typically, eth0 is defined by the management port, and during initial setups where ports are not defined, is the port that will run DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) to obtain an IP. The other AUX ports (ports that cannot be made into bridges) can be used and defined as needed.

In a virtualization scenario, when one port is selected as the interface, it can be changed through the CLI (command-line interface) by changing port membership to a specific port group. After the virtualization is set up, the default virtual bridge name is 'brvm,' and it is attached to the interface in question.

To change the interface, execute the following commands from the configuration mode of the CLI (en / conf t). This will remove [original interface] from virtualization capabilities, and configure [new interface] to the specifications that virtualization requires, and adds it to the virtual bridge:

no interface [original interface] bridge-group brvm
interface [new interface] bridge-group brvm
interface [new interface] bridge-group brvm path-cost -1
interface [new interface] bridge-group brvm priority -1
interface [new interface] comment ""
no interface [new interface] dhcp
interface [new interface] duplex auto
interface [new interface] ip address /0
interface [new interface] mtu 1500
no interface [new interface] shutdown
interface [new interface] speed auto
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 9 days ago
