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Exinda CLI: Enabling Virtualization in the CLI



This article provides information regarding the Exinda CLI command virt which is used for creating or editing virtual machines.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols

The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to virtualization:

Action Description

Command Parameter Description

To enable the virtualization feature

virt enable Not Applicable 

To assign an interface to use as a VM access port

virt interface <interface> Not Applicable 
To configure a virtual machine

virt vm <name> arch {i386|x86_64} 

Set CPU architecture.
virt vm <name> boot auto-power {on|off|last}

Configure boot options by specifying power state for VM to have after host boot:

  • auto-power on - Always power VM on. If VM was running at last shutdown, restore its state.
  • auto-power off - Always leave VM powered off. If VM was running at last shutdown, its state is lost.
  • auto-power last - Power VM on only if it was running at last shutdown. In this case, also restore its state.
virt vm <name> boot device order {cdrom|hd}

Configure boot options by specifying the order to try devices during boot.
E.g. device order cdrom hd
E.g. device order hd cdrom

virt vm <name> comment <comment>

Set a comment describing this virtual machine

virt vm <name> console {connect|graphics|text}

Configure or connect to the text or graphics

virt vm <name> copy <new_name> [storage copy-type {shallow|none}]

Make a duplicate copy of this virtual machine's storage.

  • shallow - Use the same volumes as the source VM
  • none - New VM will have no attached storage
virt vm <name> feature {pae|acpi|apic} enable

Enable/disable certain virtualization features.

  • pae - Physical Address Extension
  • acpi - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
  • apic - Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
virt vm <name> install cancel

Cancel the installation, already in progress, of an operating system onto this virtual machine.

virt vm <name> install cdrom file <volume-name> {connect-console|disk-overwrite|timeout|verify}

Install an operating system from a CD-ROM (ISO) image, onto this virtual machine (temporarily attach a CD and boot from it).

  • connect-console - Connect to the console during installation
  • disk-overwrite - Install even if the primary target volume is not empty
  • timeout {<minutes>|none} - Specify a timeout for installation (default is no timeout)
  • verify - Options for verifying OS installation

virt vm <name> interface <name> {bridge|macaddr|model|name|order|type|vnet}

Configure virtual interfaces.
virt vm <name> memory <MB>

Set memory allowance.

virt vm <name> power {cycle|off|on}

Turn this virtual machine on or off, plus other related options.

virt vm <name> rename <new_name>

Rename this virtual machine.

virt vm <name> storage create disk {bus|drive-number|file|mode|size-max}

Create and configure a new storage device for the VM, with an automatically assigned name.

virt vm <name> storage device {bus|drive-number|move|swap}

Configure and modify the existing storage device, or create a new one with a specific name.

virt vm <name> vcpus {count|vcpu}

Specify number of virtual CPUs:

  • vcpus count <count> - Specify number of virtual CPUs
  • vcpus vcpu <vcpu> - Specify options for a particular virtual CPU
To configure or manage virtual networks virt vnet <name> {dhcp|forward|ip|vbridge}
  • dhcp range <low_ip> <high_ip> - Configure a DHCP range to assign to this vnet.
  • forward {none|nat|route} interface <name> - Configure the type of forwarding.
  • ip address <ip> <netmask> - Configure the IP address of this vnet.
  • vbridge name <name> - Create a virtual bridge.
To manage virtual storage volumes virt volume {create|fetch|file}
  • create disk file <name> size-max <MB> - Create an empty virtual disk image.
  • fetch <url> - Fetch a virtual disk image (*.img) or a CD ROM image (*.iso) from the URL.
  • file {create|copy|move|upload} - Perform basic file operations.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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