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Running the CLI Jumpstart Wizard



When you log in to the CLI (Command Line Interface) for the first time, you are presented with the option to run the CLI Jumpstart wizard. This is a guided wizard that helps with the initial configuration of the Exinda appliance.

This article provides information regarding all the questions that are encountered while running the CLI Jumpstart wizard.




NOTE: Changes are applied immediately after pressing Enter at each step. If you are changing network settings, use the serial console or VGA (Visual Graphics Adaptor)/keyboard to access the CLI.


Question Description

Response Details

Enable IPv6?

These questions allow you to enable IPv6 support for the entire system. 

If your network supports IPv6 then type Y, otherwise, type N.
Enable IPv6 autoconfig (SLAAC) on eth1 interface? If you enable IPv6, you have the option of enabling IPv6 SLAAC (System Level Applications of Adaptive Computing) autoconfiguration. 

Type Y if you wish to have an address and netmask automatically configured and your network supports this option.

Use eth0 for management access. Note: This disables br0 (Y/N)?

Select whether to use eth0 for accessing management functionality.

Not Applicable 
Use DHCP on eth1 (Y/N)? This question is asking if you want to use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) for automatically acquiring IP connectivity settings.

If you specify N here, you will be prompted to type static IP connectivity settings, such as IP address and netmask, default gateway and DNS (Domain Name System) servers.

  • Enable br10 (Y/N)?
  • Use DHCP on br10 (Y/N)?

These questions allow you to enable bridges and optionally configure an address manually or by using DHCP.

Not Applicable 
br2 IP address and netmask? []

Configure the IP address and netmask for the bridge.

Not Applicable 

This question is asking you to configure a hostname for the appliance.

Not Applicable 
SMTP server address?

To receive system alerts and reports, the Exinda appliance requires an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server to be configured so that emails can be sent.

Not Applicable 
An email address for reports and alerts? Not Applicable 

If you wish to receive system alerts and reports, type an email address here.

Admin password (Enter to leave unchanged): This question is asking you if you wish to change the password of the Exinda appliance's admin account.

Press Enter to leave the password unchanged or enter a new password and you will be asked to re-enter the password again to confirm.

Do you want to configure the interface speed and duplex settings? (Y/N)? Not Applicable 

Enter Y if you wish to configure interface settings or N to leave them unchanged. If you entered Y, these questions will step through each interface on the Exinda appliance and ask for interface speed and duplex settings:

  • What is the speed of eth1 (auto, 10 or 100):
  • What is the duplex mode of eth1 (auto, full or half):
  • What is the speed of eth2 (auto, 10 or 100):
  • What is the duplex mode of eth2 (auto, full or half):
Do you want to change HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) proxy settings (Y/N)? Not Applicable 

If you enter Y, these questions step through the parameters of the HTTP Proxy setup.

  • HTTP proxy address ( to disable)?
  • HTTP proxy port? [3128]
  • HTTP proxy authentication type (N)one or (B)asic (N/B)?
  • Allow insecure (unverified certificate) SSL (Y/N)?
Do you want to check for a new license online (Y/N)? Not Applicable 

Enter Y to have the Exinda appliance check for a newer license on the Exinda website (if the Exinda appliance has Internet connectivity). If a newer license is found, you will be asked if you wish to install it. If you enter N, you will be prompted for a license key.

Do you want to configure optimization policies (Y/N): Not Applicable 

Answering Y here will take you through a text-based version of the Optimizer Wizard.

Check for new firmware (Y/N)? Not Applicable 

Answering Y here will make the Exinda appliance check for a newer firmware version on the Exinda website (if the Exinda appliance has Internet connectivity). If a newer firmware image is found, you will be asked if you want to download and install it.


The image below shows a sample CLI Jumpstart wizard execution:



NOTE: You can re-run the CLI Jumpstart wizard at any time by logging into the CLI (configuration mode) and typing: configuration jump


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
