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Exinda CLI: IPMI



This article provides information regarding the Exinda CLI command ipmi.

You can use the ipmi command to configure access to the appliances baseboard management controller (BMC). When access is configured, an IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) client may be used to remote power on/off the appliance, query sensors, and access the serial-over-lan console.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols


The following table describes the commands used for configuring ipmi and viewing configuration and status:


Action Description Command

Parameter Description

To enable IPMI access

[no] ipmi enable

Not Applicable 
To configure a static IPMI IPv4 address or default gateway
  • [no] ipmi ip address <IPv4 address> [<netmask>]

  • [no] ipmi ip default-gateway <IPv4 address>

<netmask> - A netmask can be specified in long (e.g. or short (e.g /23) format. If no netmask is specified a default of /24 is used.

To use DHCP to configure the IP address and default gateway

[no] ipmi dhcp Not Applicable 
To configure IPMI authentication

[no] ipmi username <user> password <password>

Not Applicable 

To enable sending BMC System Event Log (SEL) events to the appliance log

[no] ipmi sel enable Not Applicable 

To set the SEL time to that of the appliance on startup

[no] ipmi seltime enable Not Applicable 
To control the power of a remote appliance which has enabled IPMI access as above ipmi power address <address> username <username> password <password> control {on|off|cycle|reset|status}
  • on - Power on the chassis
  • off - Power off the chassis - no clean shutdown of the OS
  • cycle - Power off for a minimum of 1 second, and then power on
  • reset - Hard reset of the appliance
  • status - Display the power status of the chassis

To show the current IPMI configuration

show ipmi Not Applicable 
To show the power status of a remote IPMI device

show ipmi power <address> username <username> password <password>

Not Applicable 



Enable the IPMI interface with IP address and netmask.

ipmi enable
ipmi ip address
ipmi ip default-gateway
ipmi username admin password exinda


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