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Exinda CLI: SSH



This article describes the Exinda CLI command ssh which is used to enable SSH (Secure SHell) access to the system.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'.
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets.
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols.

The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to ssh:

Action Description

Command Parameter Description

To restrict a network object from accessing the SSH server

ssh server restrict <network-object> Not Applicable 

To enable SSH access to the system

ssh server enable <server-name> Not Applicable 
To set a new RSA or DSA host key

ssh server host-key <key> {private-key|public-key}

  • private-key - Set the new private key for host keys of the specified type
  • public-key - Set the new public key for host keys of the specified type

To generate a new RSA or DSA host key

ssh server host-key generate Not Applicable 

To enable SSH interface restrictions on access to the system

ssh server listen enable Not Applicable 

To add an interface to the SSH server access restriction list

ssh server listen interface <interface-name> Not Applicable 

To specify the minimum version of the SSH protocol that is supported

ssh server min-version <version-number> Not Applicable 

To set the ports the SSH server listens on

ssh server ports <port-number> Not Applicable 

To enable x11 forwarding on the SSH server

ssh server x11-forwarding enable Not Applicable 

To configure whether the SSH client checks for a host key from the list of known host keys

ssh client global host-key-check [yes|no|ask] Not Applicable 

To add a global SSH client known host entry

ssh client global known-host <known host entry> Not Applicable 

To configure the authorized key for the specified SSH user

ssh client user <user name> authorized-key sshv2 Not Applicable 

To identify the type of key used by the SSH user

ssh client user <user name> identity <key type> Not Applicable 

To set the known host for the SSH user

ssh client user <user name> known-host <known host> Not Applicable 

To display the parameters of the SSH client

show ssh client <client-name> Not Applicable 

To display the parameters of the SSH server

show ssh server <server-name> Not Applicable 

To display the settings of the SSH server with full host keys

show ssh server host-keys <server-name> Not Applicable 


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CLI commands


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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