This article provides information regarding the Exinda CLI command policy
You can use the policy
command to create a new Optimizer policy. Policies can then be used in Optimizer virtual circuits.
- {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
- []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
- <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols
The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to policies:
Action Description | Command |
Parameter Description |
To configure the policy's action to discard (block) | policy <policy-name> action discard {first-packet} |
action discard first-packet - Discard only the first packet in a connection |
To configure the policy's action to ignore (monitor) | policy <policy-name> action ignore |
This allows the packets to pass unaffected through the appliance which monitors the traffic |
To configure the policy's action to optimize by shaping the bandwidth | policy <policy-name> action optimize qos {bandwidth|enable|priority} |
To configure the policy's action to optimize by accelerating | policy <policy-name> action optimize aa {enable|reduction-type|type} |
aa enable - Enable application acceleration for this policy. |
policy <policy-name> action optimize aa reduction-type {disk|lz|none} |
Specify the reduction technique:
policy <policy-name> action optimize aa type {acceleration|compression|edge-cache} |
Specify the type of acceleration:
To configure the policy's action to optimize by marking packets | policy <policy-name> action optimize mark {dscp|tos|vlan} |
To configure the policy's action to redirect to a webpage (HTTP Redirect) |
Not Applicable |
policy <policy-name> action redirect value <url> |
value <url> - Specify the URL that you want to redirect the traffic to |
To configure the policy's action to return a HTML response |
Not Applicable |
policy <policy-name> action redirect value <url> |
value <url> - Specify the HTML to send back to the client |
To configure the policy to only be active for a particular schedule | policy <policy-name> schedule <schedule-name> |
schedule <schedule-name> - Specify the schedule by name for when this policy will be active. Note the default is 'ALWAYS' |
To configure the rules that will be used to filter the traffic to determine if this policy will apply to the traffic | policy <policy-name> filter <filter-num> |
filter <filter-num> - Specify the order number of the filter. The numbered filter allows you to tie together several CLI commands into a single filter |
policy <policy-name> filter <filter-num> app-group <name> |
app-group <name> - Specify an application group to match against the traffic |
policy <policy-name> filter <filter-num> app-name <name> |
app-name <name> - Specify a single application to match against the traffic |
policy <policy-name> filter <filter-num> direction {inbound|outbound|both} |
direction {inbound|outbound|both} - Specify the traffic direction relative to the appliance. Options are inbound, outbound, or bi-directional. |
policy <policy-name> filter <filter-num> dscp <num> |
dscp <num> - Specify a DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) value to match against the traffic |
policy <policy-name> filter <filter-num> network-object {destination|source} <name> |
network-object {destination|source} <name> - Specify the source or destination network object to match against the traffic |
policy <policy-name> filter <filter-num> tos {normal|min-cost|max-reliability|max-throughput|min-delay} |
tos {normal|min-cost|max-reliability|max-throughput|min-delay} - Specify a ToS name to match against the traffic |
policy <policy-name> filter <filter-num> vlan <name> |
vlan <name> - Specify a VLAN object to match against the traffic |
To enable the policy |
Not Applicable |
Create an Optimizer Policy that matches all traffic belonging to the 'Web' Application Group and guarantees 20% of the bandwidth to that traffic, allowing it to burst to 100%.
policy Policy_1
policy Policy_1 schedule ALWAYS
policy Policy_1 action optimize
policy Policy_1 action optimize qos bandwidth burst 100 %
policy Policy_1 action optimize qos bandwidth guaranteed 20 %
policy Policy_1 action optimize qos priority 2
policy Policy_1 action optimize qos enable
policy Policy_1 filter 1
policy Policy_1 filter 1 app-group Web
policy Policy_1 filter 1 network-object destination ALL
policy Policy_1 filter 1 direction both
policy Policy_1 filter 1 network-object source ALL -
Redirect traffic to http://mysystem.mycompany.com/login
policy myPolicy
policy myPolicy action redirect
policy myPolicy action redirect type http_redirect
policy myPolicy action redirect value "http://mysystem.mycompany.com/login"
policy myPolicy filter 3
policy myPolicy filter 3 app-name HTTP
policy myPolicy filter 3 app-name HTTP-ALT
policy myPolicy filter 3 app-name HTTPS -
Redirect traffic to http://mysystem.mycompany.com/login
policy myPolicy
policy myPolicy action redirect
policy myPolicy action redirect type html_response
policy myPolicy action redirect value "Two Hours Exceeded"
policy myPolicy filter 3
policy myPolicy filter 3 app-name HTTP
policy myPolicy filter 3 app-name HTTP-ALT
policy myPolicy filter 3 app-name HTTPSNote that "Two Hours Exceeded" is the name of a pre-defined HTML Response object.
Find more CLI commands.
Priyanka Bhotika