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Exinda CLI: Community



This article provides information regarding the CLI command community

You can use the community command to configure Exinda appliance community settings.


  • An Exinda Community is a collection of Exinda appliances in a user's network.
  • Appliances that are part of the same community can accelerate to/from each other.
  • Exinda appliances can automatically discover other appliances in their community.




Note:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols

The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to community:


Action Description

Command Parameter Description

To configure the community group that this appliance belongs to

community group <number> NA (Not Applicable) 
To manually add remote appliances to the community group community node <name> address <address> port <port>
  • node <name> — The name of the remote node (e.g. hostname)
  • address <address> — The IPv4 address of the remote appliance
  • port <port> — The port to connect to.

To delete the cache of other community members that this node remembers

community delete-db NA (Not Applicable) 

To enable backward compatibility to allow appliances running ExOS version 6.4.0 and earlier in the same community

community compatibility pre-v6.4.0 enable Backward compatibility is enabled by default.


Find  CLI commands.

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