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Exinda CLI: Bypass



This article provides information regarding the Exinda CLI command bypass. This command is used for configuring Bypass settings and for configuring Watchdog auto-reboot.

You can use the bypass command to indicate which bridge mode you want during normal operations and following a failure. During a failure, the appliance can stop traffic as if the ethernet cables are not connected, or the appliance can fail-to-wire where the traffic passes through the box unaffected and unmonitored.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols


The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to bypass:


Action Description Command

Parameter Description

To set the bypass mode when in the running (non-failure) state bypass bridge {all|<bridge-name>} running {active|bypass|no-link}
  • running active - Active or normal operation.
  • running bypass - Bypass or fail-to-wire mode.
  • running no-link - No link mode where the ethernet cables are disconnected.

To set the bypass mode for the failure state. Bypass pairs can be placed into either bypass (fail-to-wire) or no-link (ethernet cables disconnected) state

bypass bridge {all|<bridge-name>} failure {bypass|no-link}
  • failure bypass - Bypass or fail-to-wire mode.
  • failure no-link - No link mode where the ethernet cables are disconnected.

To configure the bypass settings to automatically failover to the failure settings in the event of a failure or to remove auto-failover

[no] bypass bridge {all|<bridge_name>} auto-failover  Not Applicable

To enable or disable the system watchdog. The watchdog will reboot the Exinda appliance in the event of failure

[no] watchdog enable Not Applicable 


NOTE: Depending on the hardware appliance and the type of interface cards installed, fail to wire or bypass settings may be configured globally or per bridge. Not all bypass options are available on all hardware. 


Find more CLI commands.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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