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Resetting Admin Password for GFI Directory


This article shares the process for installing ADSIEdit and using the tool to reset the administrator password for GFI Directory, which is Active Directory replacement for GFI Archiver and GFI FaxMaker.



  • ADSIEdits
  • Microsoft Server 2008 and later



Follow these steps:

  1. Install Remote Server Administration Tools
    • [Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008R2] - Follow these steps to do install using the Command Prompt:
      1. Open the command prompt.
      2. Run command: ServerManagerCmd -i RSAT-ADDC
      3. Once Remote Server Administration Tools is installed, proceed to step 2: Reset Admin Password 

    • [Windows Server OS Later than Windows Server 2008R2] - Follow these steps to do install using the Server Manager:
      1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run box, or open the Command Prompt. Type ServerManager and press Enter.
      2. Select Features.
      3. Select Add Features on the right side of the pane.
      4. Select Remote Server Administration Tools.
      5. Make sure you tick AD DS and AD LDS Tools.
        NOTE: Selecting this at the top level should install all tools, but specifically AD DS Tools > AD DS Snap-Ins and Command-Line Tools provides ADSIEdit. 

        adsi edit
      6. Follow the prompt to install (Select Next).
      7. Once installed, proceed to step 2: Reset Admin Password 
    • [Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista Professional or Enterprise] - Follow these steps to install using Windows Features
      1. To do this, click Start, click Control Panel, click Programs and Features, and then click Turn Windows features on or off.
      2. In the RSAT releases for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8, tools are again all enabled by default. Verify Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is enabled.

        For RSAT on Windows Vista and Windows 7, you must enable the tools for the roles and features that you want to manage after you run the downloaded installation package. (See the following screen shot.)
        You don't have to do this for RSAT on Windows 8 or later versions.
  2. Reset Admin Password
    1. Browse to and open ..\GFIDirectory\Directory\Data\ADSettings.xml

    2. Open ASDIEdit.

    3. Name the connection GFI Directory for easy reference.

    4. Select Action > Connect To.

    5. Under ConnectionPoint choose Select or type a distinguished name.
      • Edit the field to the value of BaseDN in the ADSettings.xml.
      • Default: CN=GFIPartition,DC=GFIDomain

    6. Under Computer choose Select or type a domain or server.
      • Edit the field to the value of <Hostname>:<PortNumber> found in the ADSettings.xml.
      • Default: localhost:389

    7. If using SSL use the SSL port number PortNumberSSL defined in the ADSettings.xml.

    8. Select the Use SSL-Based Encryption option in ASDIEdit.

    9. Click OK to connect.

    10. Browse to GFI Directory > CN=GFIPartition,DC=GFIDomain > CN=GFIUsers>

    11. Right-click on the Administrator account.

    12. Select Delete.
      • If there is an error browse to the GFI Directory installation directory: ...\GFIDirectory\Directory\Tools\DefaultAdministrator
      • Run the CreateDefaultAdminUser.exe
        • This can also be run from the command prompt for error checking.

    13. Open GFI Directory.

    14. Log in with the following Credentials:
      • Username: Administrator
      • Password: Password123456

    15. You will be prompted to change your password once logged in.



You should now be able to open and access GFI Directory with the password you set in the last step above. 

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
