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Unable to Use Network Discovery on a Secondary Domain


The network discovery is not pulling results as the LanGuard cannot fetch the objects from a secondary domain when the DNS server does not contain records of those secondary domain controllers.

To validate this issue, run the ping command and check if LandGuard can recognize the domain name of a domain controller.

  1. Navigate to Start > Run.
  2. Type cmd in the Run window, and click OK.
  3. The command line window pops up.
  4. Enter the ping command followed by the secondary domain controller hostname.
  5. Press Enter to execute the command.

The output does not return the records of the secondary domain because the DNS does not contain that information.


LanGuard 2012 SR1 (20121127)

Root Cause

This is a product defect which has been resolved in LanGuard 20130123 patch.


Download and install the LanGuard 20130123 patch.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
