MailEssentials 2014 R2, build 20140627Headline Updates:
- New Avira Antivirus Engine
- Support for Microsoft Exchange 2013 Edge Server
- Intelligent language detection anti-spam filter
- Replaced built-in reporting database to Firebird instead of Microsoft Access database
- Licensing model switched to subscription
Fixes for issues in previous release:
- Emails failed to be processed due to issues in report writing functionality when handling large volumes of emails
- User interface failed to open and dashboard POP2Exchange log did not show entries if OS regional settings were set to Turkish
- The Enterprise Transfer Service crashed when merging Personal whitelist/blocklist due to emails contained with single quotes
- Spam quarantine user interface was not working when two or more NIC cards were present on the server and GFI MailEssentials made use of different NIC IP addresses
- Anti-Phishing and Bayesian updates were failing due to lack of connection to certificate revocation server
- When deleting two or more entries from the POP2Exchange mailboxes list, other mailbox entries were deleted from the list
- POP2Exchange mailbox password which contained the | character caused failures when creating and editing mailboxes entries
- User interface of list which uses Microsoft SQL Server would not save the selected subscribers table
- The dashboard events list remained stuck on loading the list of events
- Auto replies were not displayed in the user interface when 60+ auto replies were present in the list
GFI MailEssentials 2014 R2 ships with a new reporting database. For upgrading installs (using Microsoft Access reporting database) who wish to run reports on the old reporting data please refer to the following article how to migrate. http://www.gfi.com/support/products/gfi-mailessentials/Migrating-the-Reporting-Database-to-new-formatInstallation requirements for GFI MailEssentials 2014:
- If installing on Microsoft IIS SMTP (x86 \ x64) or Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, then Microsoft IIS with SMTP Service installed is required
- If installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 or Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, one of the following combinations of Exchange 2007/2010 Server Roles must be present: Mailbox and Hub Transport or (ii) Hub Transport or (iii) Edge Transport
- If installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, Service Pack 1 or later is required
- If installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, Mailbox or Edge role is required
- Microsoft.NET® Framework 4/4.5
- ASP.NET® 4.0/4.5
- Internet Information Services (IIS®) World Wide Web service
- WCF HTTP Activation - required when using SpamTag plugin for Microsoft Outlook
- MSMQ - Microsoft® Messaging Queuing Service. The installation detects if MSMQ is not installed and offers the option to automatically install it.
- For more information on how to install pre-requisites for Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2012, refer to: Microsoft Windows Server 2008: http://go.gfi.com/?pageid=ME2014_Win2008 Microsoft Windows Server 2012: http://go.gfi.com/?pageid=ME2014_Win2012
Where to Download:
The latest version of GFI MailEssentials can be downloaded fromhttp://www.gfi.com/downloads/mirrors.aspx?pid=me
Priyanka Bhotika