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GFI MailEssentials 2014 (build 20131113)

Type: Release

Product: GFI MailEssentials 2014, build 20131113


  • GFI MailEssentials SpamTag for Microsoft® Outlook. An outlook add-on which provides end users with ability to classify spam\ham, train Bayesian filter and add emails to personal whitelist\blocklist from their Outlook client
  • IP Blocklist spam filter, which can also run during SMTP transmission
  • Email Management and POP2Exchange configuration in GFI MailEssentials web configuration
  • GFI MailEssentials can now be installed in the Polish language
  • Easier log gathering tool for troubleshooting issues with GFI Support


  • Attachment without extension was blocked by rules using 'All except' file type option even though file type was detected through attachment content
  • FIX: If quarantined malware\content filtering item was opened to view its details, it’s respective file on disk was not deleted when item is approved or deleted
  • FIX: Use of Switchboard to move GFI MailEssentials virtual directories to a different site did not move the SpamTag virtual directory
  • Tagging not performed on email forwarded through global actions
  • POP2Exchange crashed when downloading email containing empty body text
  • On Microsoft Exchange 2013, outbound emails which were processed by disclaimers are shown without the paper clip icon in Microsoft Outlook
  • Configuration reported 'License key is invalid' due to timeout when querying Active Directory containing thousands of users
  • Recipient spam digest not being sent to recipients on Microsoft IIS only environments
  • The Attachment Checking 'BlockFiles_ViaExtAssociations' registry setting was not being used by the attachment checking functionality
  • The GFI MAX MailProtection\MailEdge IP address list was not always retrieved successfully, causing emails to still be filtered for spam
  • Report writing module stopped processing items when an entry could not be written to database, and this eventually led to processing of emails to fail
  • Spam digest was only being sent to first 1000 users enumerated from Active Directory
  • Report writing failed during writing of email details due to duplicate email addresses
  • If login to configuration is done without 'domain\' format and log in fails, the default domain is prepended to username

Installation requirements:

  • If installing on Microsoft IIS SMTP (x86 \ x64) or Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, then Microsoft IIS with SMTP Service installed is required
  • If installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 or Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, one of the following combinations of Exchange 2007/2010 Server Roles must be present: Mailbox and Hub Transport or (ii) Hub Transport or (iii) Edge Transport
  • If installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, Service Pack 1 or later is required
  • If installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, Mailbox role is required
  • Microsoft.NET® Framework 4
  • ASP.NET® 4.0
  • Internet Information Services (IIS®) World Wide Web service
  • WCF HTTP Activation - required when using SpamTag plugin for Microsoft Outlook
  • MSMQ - Microsoft® Messaging Queuing Service. The installation detects if MSMQ is not installed and offers the option to automatically install it.
  • For more information on how to install pre-requisites for Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2012, refer to:

Where to download:

The latest version of GFI MailEssentials can be downloaded from:

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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