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XMPP Chat Not Working in Webmail



Sometimes, you may encounter a situation when the Kerio Connect Chat feature is not working properly in Webmail or Kerio Connect Client and the following error is displayed in the logs:

[21/Jan/2020 05:54:38] StdErrChannel.cpp: XMPP Server [external]: [40] IM Bridge: Error while processing xmpp packet, service will be restarted. (IMBridge.processPacketForIM): org.jabsorb.client.ErrorResponse: JSONRPC error code 0: Caused by Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Failed to start database 'M:\MailServer\store\im\databases\im-all' with class loader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@33909752, see the next exception for details.) at at at at at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy22.setPresence(Unknown Source) at at at at

This article describes the process of resolving this issue.




Admin (root) access to the Kerio Connect server


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Root Cause


The Instant Messaging (IM) folder cannot be created because of incorrect permissions and a broken configuration file (mailserver.cfg).


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  1. Stop Kerio Connect on your Windows, macOS, or Linux Server.

  2. Navigate to the Kerio Connect installation folder. The default folders are:

    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer
    • macOS: /usr/local/kerio/mailserver
    • Linux: /opt/kerio/mailserver
  3. Open mailserver.cfg and locate the StorePath variable in the InstantMessaging and WebIM tables as shown in the following example:

    <table name="InstantMessaging">
    <variable name="Port">4042</variable>
    <variable name="MaxMemorySize">128</variable>
    <variable name="Enabled">1</variable>
    <variable name="Federation">0</variable>
    <variable name="RosterMaximum">300</variable>
    <variable name="RosterRefreshPeriod">900</variable>
    <variable name="StartServiceTimeout">180</variable>
    <variable name="MessageSentTimeout">120</variable>
    <variable name="ResponseReceiveTimeout">180</variable>
    <variable name="InitialConnectionTimeout">180</variable>
    <variable name="ArchiveFileSize">50</variable>
    <variable name="StorePath">C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerio\MailServer\store/xmpp</variable>
    <variable name="JvmOptions"></variable>

    <table name="WebIM">
    <variable name="Port">4043</variable>
    <variable name="MaxMemorySize">256</variable>
    <variable name="Enabled">1</variable>
    <variable name="StartServiceTimeout">180</variable>
    <variable name="ShutdownServiceTimeout">300</variable>
    <variable name="StorePath">M:\MailServer\store/im</variable>
    <variable name="ServiceIpAddress"></variable>
  4. Modify the StorePath variable to reflect the correct disk folder. For the example mentioned above, the correct folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerio\MailServer\store/im.

    Note: It is recommended to store XMPP and IM folders in the same parent folder, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerio\MailServer\store, so that permissions for all folders remain the same.

  5. Start Kerio Connect on your Windows, macOS, or Linux Server.


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Log in to Webmail or Kerio Connect Client and ensure that the chat feature is working correctly.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
