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Editing Kerio Connect Configurations to Use the Correct System Paths


After migrating Kerio Connect to a new system, the administrator tries to start the service and logs in using the account used to access the source server. The service fails to start. 

This may be caused by an incorrect definition of the store directory. The target system is based on a different operating system or has a different directory structure.

This article provides information on how to resolve the above issue by defining the correct system path/s in Kerio Connect. 


A migrated Kerio Connect installation to a new system (Mac OS X, Linux, Windows).

Note: To change the value of the variables below, the Kerio Connect service should be stopped. For more information, please refer to Starting or Stopping the Kerio Connect Server on Windows and Stopping and Starting the Kerio Connect Service on macOS and Linux articles.



  1. Open the mailserver.cfg file that is located in the Kerio Connect installation directory. The default locations are:

    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer

    • macOS: /usr/local/kerio/mailserver

    • Linux: /opt/kerio/mailserver

  2. Verify that the location of the store directory is accurately configured in the mailserver.cfg file by opening the file in a text editor and defining the correct system paths as follows:

     Table  Variable  Description
     Directories  StoreDir  Path to the store directory
     Directories  ArchieveDir  Path to the archive directory
     Directories  BackupDir  Path to the backup directory
     Update  DownloadedFile  Path to the recent update file by web administration upgrade feature
     FullTextSearch  Path  Path to the full-text search
     InstantMessaging  StorePath  Path to the Instant Messaging configuration data
     WebIM  StorePath  Path to the XMPP configuration data
     LogGlobal  RelativePathsRoot  Path to the log files
  3. (Optional) If you are using an external disk (HDD, SSD) for the Kerio store, you can modify the above variables accordingly. Please make sure that the disk is mounted correctly and is visible/recognizable by the OS. The same applies to Network locations. If the OS can view the mounting point, the Kerio Connect service should be able to pick up the necessary directories.
    Note: If you are not sure how to modify the store location, please leave it as defaults and reach out to Support for assistance.



After defining the correct system paths, the service starts successfully. 


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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