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All Emails in the Dashboard Show 'Processed Successfully'


All entries in the dashboard under the Description column show 'Processed Successfully', even obvious spam. This article describes the process to follow in order to resolve this issue.


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  • GFI MailEssentials
  • All Supported Environments

Root Cause

GFI MailEssentials is processing emails but does not know what domain to be filtering.


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  1. Open the GFI MailEssentials Configuration console.
  2. Navigate to General Settings > Settings > Local Domains.
  3. Point to the Local Domain window.
  4. Enter the external domain name of the organization in the Domain Field.
  5. Select Apply and OK.

Note:  The current inbound domains can be viewed in the config.mdb by opening the domain_list table.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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