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GFI Archiver Search Index States


This article describes the different states of a GFI Archiver Search Index.




The Search Index feature within GFI Archiver automatically indexes new email content archived in the corresponding archive store. This constantly updated search enables users to perform precise and fast searches. The status can be viewed by navigating to the Archiver Console > Configuration > Archive Stores and viewing the status of the Archive Store.





The search indexes in GFI Archiver can be in any one of the following states:

Icon Search Index State Description
User-added image Initializing The Search Index will be found in this state when it is being initially created. An index is not expected to stay in this state for more than 10 minutes.
User-added image Invalid This indicates that the Search Index is most likely corrupt. It is recommended to rebuild the index, by clicking Rebuild Index within GFI Archiver Configuration > Archive Stores.
User-added image Merging GFI Archiver maintains sub-indexes which are smaller versions of the main index which are used to increase performance of the Search Index. Sub-Indexes for an archive store need to be merged to the main Search Index. This process occurs when a number of sub-indexes are created, or automatically at 2:00am.
User-added image Merging Paused The merging process is manually paused within the GFI Archiver Configuration. The index will remain in this state until Continue Indexing is clicked.
User-added image Online The search index is online and running in normal mode.
User-added image Pending This is the state used before an index is going to start rebuilding. The search index will remain in Pending state if there are other indexes being rebuilt at that point in time.
User-added image Rebuilding Rebuilding indicates that the Search service is indexing a whole database. The search index would change to this state should you click Rebuild Index within the GFI Archiver Configuration. The size of the database being indexed affects the duration of the rebuilding of the index.
User-added image Rebuilding Paused The rebuilding index process is manually paused within the GFI Archiver Configuration. The index will remain in this state until Continue Indexing is clicked.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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