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Scripts / tools listing for GFI MailArchiver 2013 (DO NOT ATTACH / ONLY)


This is a legacy article. It is not maintained anymore and might contain outdated information.
Please refer to this article instead: 9691 > Scripts / tools listing for GFI Archiver (DO NOT ATTACH / INTERNAL ONLY)

  • This script will help remove any duplicate tags for the same GFI MailArchiver user.
Applies to:
  • 20130510
  • 20130704
  • 20130723

  • This tool loads all Archive Stores having a File System and lets you detect if there are any bix/bin files missing. In case that the bix files cannot be retrieved from Backup, the emails with missing bix files can be deleted.
Applies to:
  • 20130510
  • 20130704
  • 20130723
  • 20131111

  • The purpose of the IndexCompactTool is to compact the one or more Archive Store indexes in order to provide improved search performance while reducing their physical size.
Internal Skynet article: 8967 > Tool: IndexCompactTool (INTERNAL ONLY)
Applies to:
  • 20130510
  • 20130704
  • 20130723
  • 20131111

  • This tool was designed to help migrating MailArchiver user mailboxes when migrating MailArchiver to a new Active Directory domain.
    Without running this tool users will have 2 mailboxes. One containing all emails that were archived before the domain migration and one containing all emails that were/are archived after the domain migration. The old mailbox will appear as "deleted" and permissions to it must be granted via Access Control.
    This tool will update the user entries in the Archive Stores to match the users in the new Active Directory domain in order for a user to access their email via a single mailbox.
Internal Skynet article: 5056 > Tool: MAUpdateUsers (INTERNAL ONLY) 
Applies to:
  • 20130510
  • 20130704
  • 20130723
  • 20131111

  • This bundle contains scripts which help to remove the folder structure for specific user or all users as well as removing a specific or all empty folders.
Applies to:
  • 20130510
  • 20130704
  • 20130723
  • 20131111

  • This script will delete a user's mailbox from an archive store once this user has for example left the company. The script will check if emails in the database have more than one owner. If that is the case, we do a 'soft delete' (user is removed from the owners list, so the user can no longer see the email). Now, if that user is the only owner, we do hard delete (we completely remove the email from the database).
Applies to:
  • 20130510
  • 20130704
  • 20130723
  • 20131111

  • This script allows you to manually delete emails based on the filter as specified in the .SQL file. You have to edit the script to modify the predefined filter templates.
Applies to:
  • 20130510
  • 20130704
  • 20130723
  • 20131111

  • Deletion of orphaned emails (bix-files) from a GFI MailArchiver Archive Store's binary folder
Applies to:
  • 20130510
  • 20130704
  • 20130723
  • 20131111

  • The script will fix a corruption in FireBird (FDB) databases when the schema fails to upgrade with the following error:
    Cannot create index PK_ARC_NEW_OWNERS
    Multiple executions of the below steps may be required in some cases
Applies to:
  • 20130510
  • 20130704
  • 20130723
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 9 days ago
  3. Updated 8 days ago
