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Error: "Error with IISRT: -1106" When Installing or Upgrading GFI Archiver


This article provides the steps to fix an issue that you may encounter when installing or upgrading GFI Archiver.


When installing or upgrading GFI Archiver, the installer stops and rolls back without installing it.

The installation log file in %temp%\marc*.log shows the following entries:

InstallShield 14:08:15: CheckAndStartW3CService
InstallShield 14:08:15: The service is NOT already running.
InstallShield 14:08:15: IsStartable status: 1
InstallShield 14:08:15: First case.
InstallShield 14:08:15: IsStartable returned TRUE
InstallShield 14:08:15: StartService returned the following: ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED
InstallShield 14:08:15: StartServiceWithLogging returned false
InstallShield 14:08:15: Error with IISRT: -1106

This issue occurs because the World Wide Web Publishing Service is required for GFI Archiver but has been deactivated.


  1. Run services.msc.
  2. Set the Startup Mode of the World Wide Web Publishing Service to Automatic and start the service.
  3. Rerun the GFI Archiver installation.


The installation/upgrade of the GFI Archiver is successful.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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