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Archiver | Changing server name / computer name



The below information pertains to when Archiver, SQL and/or Exchange are on the same server. If SQL and/or Exchange are not local, renaming the server and rebooting should not affect functionality, and, only breaks shortcuts, the IMAP server (which can be re-configured from the web UI) and accessing the web UI from the same server.
Reinstalling should repair the shortcuts and the web UI access.


  1. Change server name and reboot server
  2. Stop GFI Archiver services
  3. Change server name in files:
    • ...\GFI\Archiver\RemoteTool (internet shortcut)
      • update URL path to the remote tool
    • ...\GFI\Archiver\GFIArchiver  (internet shortcut)
      • update URL path to web UI
    • ...\GFI\Archiver\Core\Data\MArcSettings.xml (primary configuration file)
      • update server name for the XML tags <Databases>, <ArchiveStoreProfiles>, <IMAP server>
      • example of tags containing server name:
        • <Server>...</Server>
        • <ServerName>...</ServerName>
        • <BackEndServer Server="..." ServerName="...">
        • <ServerUrl>...</ServerUrl​
  4. Change server name in HKLM\SOFTWARE\GFI\MAR12\
    • Edit String value for WebsiteAddress (URL that is used to access the Archiver interface from the local machine)
  5. Start GFI Archiver Services
  6. Wait at least 10 minutes for the indexes to validate and dashboard summary to load
  7. Login and check
    • Home tab > Status Overview > Services, Journaling Mailboxes, SQL Servers, Licensing
    • Configuration > Stores to ensure SQL connection shows ok and indexed validated
  • ​Reinstalling the product after the server name will not correct the values in the settings
  • Quickest way to change the values in MArcSettings.xml is to use "find and replace"; search for <oldServerName> and replace with <newServerName>. As an example, if SQL is installed locally:
    • FROM: <Server>App01\DB</Server> 
    • TO: <Server>MailArchiver\DB</Server>
  • IIS changes are not required for Archiver
  • If SQL is installed locally, changing the server name will break the connection, since, in the settings, Archiver is looking for <oldServerName>\<instanceName>;
  • The much longer user-friendly way would be to:
    1. Detach all stores (only if SQL is installed on the same server)
    2. Uninstall Archiver (settings will not be affected)
    3. Change server name and reboot
    4. Install Archiver
    5. Attach stores and redo the "New Archive Store Settings" (only if SQL is installed on the same server)
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 9 days ago
