This article provides the process and items to check after making a change to the IP address of the main LanGuard console server.
When changing the IP address of the LanGuard server, it is necessary to take a few extra steps to ensure communication continues unhindered. In environments utilizing LanGuard agents, the systems are provided with the connection information during installation and when agent updates are performed. If the IP address is changed on the server, this can break these connections as the agents do not know the correct location to send the information.
- The best place to check, when dealing with servers with multiple network cards, is the Agents Settings. As explained in the IP Address Not Recognized in Remediation Communication - Winsock Error article, when LanGuard is installed on a machine with multiple network interface cards, there are cases where the internal logic can choose the incorrect interface for communication. We need to ensure the system is presenting the correct IP address for communicating with the agents.
- Starting a manual agent scan from the LanGuard console will update the agent's communication to the latest IP address and restore the connectivity after the IP address change. See the steps below.
To start an on-demand scan on an agent computer:
- Launch GFI LanGuard.
- Click View Dashboard and select the computer(s) you want to start scanning.
- From the Agent Status section, click Scan Now.
Manually updating each agent is not generally suggested, as it is an extremely time-consuming process to update each device individually. However, we will highlight the file which holds the IP address of the main LanGuard console server.
- Located in..\ProgramData\GFI\LanGuard 12\
As seen in the screenshot above, update the URL field with the new IP address, and after a restart of the agent services, the system should be able to communicate with the main console again. Port 1072, as shown, is the default port, but if the port has been changed, make sure the port matches what is in use in your environment.
Priyanka Bhotika