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Agent Failed to Communicate on Port 1072 When Running the Agent Diagnostics Tool



Sometimes, while using GFI LanGuard, the agent fails to communicate on port 1072 when running the Agent Diagnostics tool.

This article describes the root cause and resolution of this issue.


Root Cause


The agent is unable to communicate with the server due to one of the following reasons:

  • Ports and protocols are blocked on the target computer.
  • The Apache server on GFI LanGuard is not running.


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To resolve the issue, check the following listed items:

  • Ensure the client computer is online and ping-responsive, via hostname and IP address, from the GFI LanGuard server.

  • Ensure that the Firewall settings of the client are allowing the TCP ports 135, 137, 138, 139, 161, and 445.

  • Ensure that the Firewall settings of the LanGuard server are allowing the TCP ports 1072135, 137, 138, 139, 161, and 445.

  • Ensure that the GFI LanGuard server and the client computer have enough free disk space on the C drive.

  • Ensure the Address value under Configuration > Agents Management > Agents Settings > General > Communications is not Default. If so, change it to the server IP address.

  • Ensure to use the UNC path to the WSUS server patch repository when using the WSUS server under Configuration > Patch Auto-download > Patch Repository.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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