Kerio Control's Web Filter rates web page content. It uses a dynamic worldwide database that includes URLs and webpage classification.
Whenever users attempt to access a web page, Kerio Control sends a request on the page rating. According to the classification of the page, users are either allowed or denied access.
Web Filter requires a special license. Unless Kerio Control includes this module, it behaves like a trial version only (automatically disabled after 30 days).
Enabling Web Filter
- In the administration interface, go to Content Filter > Applications and Web Categories.
- Check Enable Kerio Control Web Filter.
- Check Allow authenticated users to report miscategorized URLs if the user believes that the page is in a wrong category (which makes Kerio Control block access to the page), they can suggest a change to the developers. All suggestions are logged in the Security log. If a page is still blocked after a couple of days, it can be added to the URL Whitelist.
- Click Apply.
Testing URLs
In the administration interface, it is possible to test URL categorization. It is then possible to make recategorization suggestions on the results page if desired.
- In the administration interface, go to Content Filter > Applications and Web Categories.
- Under the Kerio Control Web Filter section, enter a URL and click the Test URL.
- In the URL Categorization dialog, check if the category is correct.
Creating a URL Whitelist
If Kerio Control Web Filter blocks a URL that should not be blocked, you can add it to the special list of enabled URLs:
- In the administration interface, go to Content Filter > Applications and Web Categories.
- Click Add.
- Enter the URL and description of the website, you can specify:
Server name (e.g. https://www.google.com). The server name represents any URL at a corresponding server.
- Address of a particular webpage (e.g. www.gfi.com/products-and-solutions/all-products).
- URL using wildcard matching (e.g.
). An asterisk stands for any number of characters (even zero), a question-mark represents just one symbol.
Server name (e.g. https://www.google.com). The server name represents any URL at a corresponding server.
- Save the settings.
Using Web Filter in URL Rules
Whenever Kerio Control processes a URL rule that requires classification of pages, Kerio Control Web Filter is activated, for example, configuring a rule denying all users to access pages containing job vacancies:
- In the administration interface, go to Content Filter.
- On the Content Rules tab, enable the predefined rule Kerio Control Web Filter categories and applications.
- Double-click the Detect content column and choose Add > Applications and Web Categories.
- Check the Job Search rating category.
- Click OK twice.
- On the Content Rules tab, click Apply.
The configured web filters take effect and deny or allow access to the specified pages.
Priyanka Bhotika