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Email Security Protocols Used With FaxMaker Online

This article provides information on the security protocols used when faxing via email using FaxMaker Online. FaxMaker Online attempts to establish TLS encryption on the initial handshake of every email that is sent or received. Here are the details of the rules that are used:

  • Outbound email-to-fax requests sent to <faxnumber> use Opportunistic TLS. If TLS cannot be negotiated in the initial handshake, FaxMaker Online still accepts the unencrypted payload.
  • Outbound email-to-fax requests sent to <faxnumber> use Enforced TLS. If TLS cannot be negotiated in the initial handshake, FaxMaker Online terminates the transaction before the payload is transmitted. 
  • Inbound fax-to-email requests sent from also use Opportunistic TLS. If TLS cannot be negotiated in the initial handshake, FaxMaker Online still sends the unencrypted payload.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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