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Deploying EndPointSecurity Agents Manually


It is not possible to deploy agents manually because the agent can only be installed as Local System. Agents hence must be deployed using the EndPointSecurity console or via a Group Policy.



If you wish to deploy the agents using Active Directory Group Policies across clients in your domain, you can also create a Windows installer package (MSI file) that you can deploy through Active Directory Group Policies.

To deploy the agents via group policy, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Click the Configuration tab.

  2. Click Protection Policies.

  3. From the left pane, select the protection policy to deploy through Active Directory.

  4. From the right pane, click Deploy through Active Directory in the Computers section.

  5. Specify the MSI file name and click Save.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
