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How to assign policies to groups in a workgroup environment in GFI EndPointSecurity


If you want to use groups to define permissions in a specific policy and you are not on a domain you will need to do the following.

On Target Machines

  1. Open the Computer Management Console. Navigate to Local Users and Groups and create a local group called GFIEPS 
  2. Add all local users to that Group
On Console Machine
  1. Open the Computer Management Console. Navigate to Local Users and Groups and create a local group called GFI EPS
See example. Note that this will for different OS versions:

User-added image
  1. In the GFI EndPointSecurity Console click Protection Policies, add the local group (from the console machine) to the policy

  • When choosing the group, you may have to click Locations... and select the group from the <Computer_Name> location
  • As long as the local user or group name selected has the same local user or group name on the agent machine the permissions will apply on the agent machines
User-added image

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
