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The GFI WebMonitor agent deems evaluation license keys as invalid and does not filter any traffic

Versions / Builds Affected

Any 2013



Problem Summary

Agent deems evaluation license keys as invalid and does not filter any traffic.



How to Identify

Agent deems all eval-keys as invalid (as they do not have the SMA maintenance flag set). 1. Eval key in registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GFI\WebMonitorAgent\LicenseKey] on agent computer is valid in general (confirm via keysadmin or GFIRegcheck). 2. Agent logs read: 08/08/2013-11:10:07.408, 0cb0, 0630, WebMon.Agent, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_GENERAL, Program::Start, Starting engine... 08/08/2013-11:10:07.408, 0cb0, 0630, WebMon.Agent, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_GENERAL, Program::Start, Starting communicator... 08/08/2013-11:10:07.409, 0cb0, 0630, WebMon.Agent, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_GENERAL, Program::Start, Starting license validator... 08/08/2013-11:10:07.409, 0cb0, 0630, WebMon.Agent, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_GENERAL, Program::Start, Agent started. 08/08/2013-11:10:07.409, 0cb0, 087c, WebMon.Agent, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_LICENSING, Licensing::LicenseValidatorThread::Run, Validating lincese... 08/08/2013-11:10:07.409, 0cb0, 087c, WebMon.Agent, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_LICENSING, Licensing::LicenseValidatorThread::Run, Validation completed: INVALID 08/08/2013-11:10:07.409, 0cb0, 087c, WebMon.Agent, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_GENERAL, WebMon::Engine, INVALID license event received 08/08/2013-11:10:07.409, 0cb0, 087c, WebMon.Agent, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_GENERAL, WebMon::Engine, Stopping Interceptor... 08/08/2013-11:10:07.409, 0cb0, 087c, WebMon.Agent, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_GENERAL, WebMon::Engine, Interceptor already stopped. 08/08/2013-11:10:07.409, 0cb0, 087c, WebMon.Agent, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_LICENSING, Licensing::LicenseValidatorThread::Run, Validating lincese... 08/08/2013-11:10:07.410, 0cb0, 087c, WebMon.Agent, TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, TRACE_LICENSING, Licensing::LicenseValidatorThread::Run, Validation completed: INVALID

Workaround / Fix Details

Agents have been deemed unsupported when using a regular evaluation license key (at least for the time being). It does not affect GFI WebMonitor 2015 anymore. If a customer wants to evaluate agents with the ISA?TMG version he would require a non-eval key. A regular one with a very limited expiry date could be issued. This would need to be coordinated via Sales.

Required Actions

Explain that agent functionality cannot be evaluated when using an eval-license key. Assist to organize a (time limited) proper license key via Sales if the customer really needs this for GFI Webmonitor ISA/TMG version.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
