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Is possible to move GFI WebMonitor's embedded database to another disk?


Yes, the Firebird database of GFI WebMonitor can be moved to another disk. In order to achieve that, please follow these steps:

GFI WebMonitor 2013
  1. Check the path of the existing database in Settings > Database
  2. Stop all GFI WebMonitor services
  3. Make a copy of the file
  4. Paste the file into the new location
  5. Restart the GFI WebMonitor services
  6. Go to the database and move the path to the new location
  7. Delete the old database after that

GFI WebMonitor 2015 and later
  1. Load into GFI WebMonitor - Management Console
  2. Select the Settings dropdown in the top right
  3. Under Core Settings select Database
  4. Copy the current database to the New directory or drive
  5. Adjust the Database path to the new directory and hit Save to apply changes.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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