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GFI WebMonitor Is Counting Users Instead of IPs


This article resolves an issue where GFI WebMonitor is counting users instead of computers' IPs, placing the license count over the limit.




This article applies for the following products/firmware versions: 

  • GFI WebMonitor 2013
  • GFI WEbMonitor 2015 and later

Root Cause

Proxy Authentication is enabled, which forces User Authentication, and users are being counted as a result.



To resolve this issue, disable Proxy Authentication as shown below, based on the GFI WebMonitor version you are running: 

GFI WebMonitor 2013  

  1. Navigate to Settings > Proxy Settings > General.
  2. Locate the Proxy Authentication's ON / OFF switch and set it to OFF.


GFI WebMonitor 2015 and later

  1. Open the GFI WebMonitor Management Console.
  2. Go to the Settings at the top right corner. 
  3. Under the Core Settings, select Connection Settings.
  4. Locate the Proxy Authentication and set it to OFF.
  5. Click Save to apply the changes. 


Important Notes

  • The user count will not be corrected until midnight when WebMonitor clears its daily license count. 
  • With Proxy Authentication disabled, the WebMonitor reports will show IP addresses and not usernames.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
