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Error 1606: Could not access network location


When trying to install WebMon for ISA/TMG (Internet Security and Acceleration Server/Threat Management Gateway), the following error message is received:

Error 1606. Could not access network location.



Root Cause

ISA/TMG is not installed in the default location. This can be verified from the install log that shows a message similar to:

MSI (c) (10:C8) [13:56:40:714]: Product: GFI WebMonitor 2011 -- Error 1606. Could not access network location [Drive]:\Applications\TMG\\.


  1. Go to Start > Run... and type regedit. Press Enter.
  2. Follow the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Fwsrv
  3. Change the value of ImagePath from D:\Applications\TMG\wspsrv.exe to "D:\Applications\TMG\wspsrv.exe" (i.e. put it in quotation marks).
    The workaround can be reversed after the successful installation.
  4. Re-run the installation.

Note: This issue has been fixed in the 2012 release.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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