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Can I exclude computer accounts and other IPs or users from being counted against GFI WebMonitor's license?



Excluding any connections from the licensing also excludes them from being controlled or scanned by the anti-virus engines. Therefore, make sure the sites they are visiting are secure and free from possible virus infection.


Always Allowed list (Whitelist in previous versions)

You can exclude individual Users, IPs or IP Ranges by adding them to the Always Allowed list. This will exclude them from being counted for licensing purposes.

Registry method

In GFI WebMonitor 2012 R2 SR1 (build 20121029) and later there you can now exclude them globally by adding a registry entry as follows:
  1. Open the registry editor and navigate to the following key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GFI\Webmonitor  (HKLM\SOFTWARE\GFI\Webmonitor on a 32-bit machine)
  2. Right click and choose New > Multi-String Value and Type in LicenseExceptions for the name. In this key you can specify what should not be controlled and counted for the licensing. Possible values (each on a single line):
    • [ComputerAccounts] - (exact string) – Will not count or control (protect) any accounts with a "$" at the end of the name (computer accounts)
    • Users – name of the users which won’t be counted or controlled (protected)
    • IPs – IPs which won’t be counted or controlled (protected)
    • IP Ranges – IP ranges of this format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX-YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY  Every IP in this range won’t counted or controlled (protected)

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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