Blocking the 'Generic site Streams' category is not working as expected
Versions / Builds Affected
GFI Webmonitor 2013 (all builds)
Problem Summary
After upgrade to version 2013 GFI Webmonitor is not longer able to block 'Generic Site Streams'. In previous versions when this option was set to block, users could open the site, but the video would show a error message.
TT 1033
How to Identify
1. Set Deafault Streaming Media policy to allow every option and only block 'generic site streams' 2. Save the settings 3. Open a browser and access 4. Select a video 5. Videos shows without problem, while it should not be showing
Workaround / Fix Details
For the time being block the 'Streaming media' category. It will block the entire page, not only the video. This is due to changes in Youtube and is not something that can be changed.
Required Actions
Attach article and close case
Priyanka Bhotika