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Configuring DID/ DTMF Routing


Through Direct Inward Dial (DID) routing, the telecommunications provider assigns you a range of virtual numbers that enable individual users/printers/public folders to have their own fax numbers, without the need of a physical fax line for each. If you already have ISDN, you can use available lines from your Private Branch Exchange (PBX). On answering the fax call, the ISDN protocol passes the number on which the call is being answered to GFI FaxMaker.


  1. Configure the number of DID/DTMF digits to capture from the GFI FaxMaker device settings.
  2. From GFI FaxMaker Lines/Devices node, open the properties of the DID/DTMF device.
  3. Navigate to the Advanced tab and configure the Number of DTMF/DID digits to capture.
  4. Add DID/DTMF routes one-by-one.

    a. From GFI FaxMaker Configuration, right-click Routing > DTMF/DID and select New….


    b. Configure the following options:



    DTMF/DID numbers/ranges

    Key in the users’ routing number (or virtual fax number).

    For example, for a 4 digit DID, enter the last 4 numbers.

    Set number of DTMF/DIDdigits to

    Select this option to set the minimum number of digits for each number.

    For example, if this value is 4 digits, number 1 is noted as 0001.

    c. Click OK and repeat for all DTMF/DID numbers/ranges.

  5. Import a range of DID routes.
    GFI FaxMaker can import a large number of DTMF/DID numbers and associated users from a CSV or TXT file in the following format:
    "DTMF/DID number", "user1", "user2", "user3", … 
    For example, "1234", "John Doe", "Bill Smith", "Roger Brown", "Joe Bloggs"

    NOTE: Specify the username as either the Active Directory display name or the SMTP email address. Ensure that all usernames specified are included in the Licensed Users list.
  6. Import a list of DID numbers.

    a. From GFI FaxMaker Configuration, right-click Routing > DTMF/DID and select Import DTMF/DID range.

    b. Select the CSV or TXT file containing the data to be imported.

    c. Click Open.

  7. Export the list of DID numbers and associated usernames in CSV format.

    a. From GFI FaxMaker Configuration, right-click Routing > DTMF/DID and select Export DTMF/DID range.

    b. Select the location where to export the list and specify a file name.

    c. Click Save.
    The list is exported in the following format:
    "DTMF/DID number", "user1", "user2", "user3", …
    For example: "1234", "John Doe", "Bill Smith", "Roger Brown", "Joe Bloggs"

  8. Once the exported list is obtained as per the step 7.c DID/ DTMF Routing is now configured successfully.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 7 days ago
