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Transmission Reports Going to the Wrong Person

Versions / Builds Affected

GFI FaxMaker 2015 SR1 Build 20150826

Problem Summary

Transmission reports going to the wrong person. The sender of the fax does not receive the transmission report, another licensed user does.



How to Identify

This will be able to be seen in the faxserver log. Example below. 2016-01-07,10:26:42,052,1,"#00002414","#00001c48","info ","faxserver","faxusers_c::getFMObject: Searching for object [] BY EMAIL..." 2016-01-07,10:26:42,083,1,"#00002414","#00001c48","info ","faxserver","faxusers_c::getFMObject: []...OK" 2016-01-07,10:26:42,864,1,"#00002414","#00001c48","info ","faxserver","faxusers_c::GetPersonalInfo: ID: 4276bf5c-3f60-42e5-b58a-0c0b96925ef9, MemberOf: d194273d-f535-4941-8f24-0e192a1b7f7d" " " 2016-01-07,10:26:42,864,1,"#00002414","#00001c48","info ","faxserver","faxusers_c::GetPersonalInfo: ID: 4276bf5c-3f60-42e5-b58a-0c0b96925ef9, MemberOf: d2af7e5e-910b-4b14-91ed-67354cd2141b" 2016-01-07,10:26:43,067,1,"#00002414","#00001c48","info ","faxserver","faxusers_c::GetPersonalInfo: ID: 4276bf5c-3f60-42e5-b58a-0c0b96925ef9, FirstName: Gina, LastName: Duncan, DisplayName: Gina Duncan, Company: LSI, Department: Tampa Reception, FaxNumber: , VoiceNumber: 529, Email:, Permissions: 992"

Workaround / Fix Details

Apply patch FM2015SR1_TT1210_20160115 for resolution.

Required Actions

Notify PSG that you have a case with this issue and they will provide the next step.
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