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Creating TextAPIs


This article guides you on how to generate TextAPI files.



When using TextAPI, create a text file (.txt format) that is structured as follows:

Line Description
First Line

Specify the recipient's fax number preceded by a double colon, in the following format: ::fax number

For example: ::12345678

Other parameters can also be included in the following format:

::first name, company, last name, department, email address, fax number

For example, to send a fax to John Smith who is in the Sales department at company John Company and whose email address and fax number are and 12345678 respectively, the entry will be as follows:

::John, John Company, Smith, Sales,, 12345678

Second Line (optional)

Specify other sending options preceded by a double colon.
For example: ::S=pricelist

Separate multiple parameters by commas.
For example: ::c=cover1,23:15,B=5

For more information refer to TextAPI Sending Options.

Other lines Enter the message text to fax.

TextAPI Sending Options

  • A number of sending options can be specified in the second line of the text API.
  • Multiple options can be specified. Separate multiple parameters by commas.
    For example: ::s=subject,from=Peter,c=coverpage1,23:15,B=5
  • GFI FaxMaker is not case-sensitive. Parameters can be specified in both capital or small letters.

Sending Options Parameter Description

::S=This is the subject


::subject=This is the subject

Specify the subject of the fax. This text is inserted in the <subject> field of the Coverpage. Replace This is the subject with the subject text.




Use this parameter to specify the name of the fax sender. The name specified is included as the sender's name in the Coverpage. Replace name with the sender's name.

NOTE: When this option is not specified, GFI FaxMaker has no information about the sender and therefore cannot return a transmission report via email. Instead, a response file is generated. 

For more information refer to TextAPI Response Files.



Specify a file to attach to the fax. The file must be stored in the same TextAPI pickup folder.

Replace FileName with the name and extension of the file to attach.

For example: ::A=FaxAttachment.tif

Multiple files can be attached by specifying the command multiple times.

For example: ::A=file1.tif,A=file2.tif

NOTE: Attachments are permanently removed from the pickup folder. If a copy is required, ensure that backup is taken before moving the attachment to the TextAPI folder.


High priority








Low priority








Specify the fax priority (low or high) to use when sending the fax.
Billing Code




Use this parameter to specify a billing code if GFI FaxMaker is configured to require a billing code. Replace nnnn with the billing code.




Specify the date and time, or time only when to send the fax.


  • YYYY - year
  • MM - month
  • DD - day
  • hh - hours in 24-hour clock format
  • mm - minutes
  • ss - seconds

For example, ::2019-04-21-16:05:00





By default, GFI FaxMaker uses the default Coverpage configured in GFI FaxMaker. Use this parameter to send a fax using a particular Coverpage. Replace CoverpageName with the name of the Coverpage to use, as configured in GFI FaxMaker.

You can also use ::C=none to not add a Coverpage.

Front Covernote




Use this parameter to send a fax using a particular Front Covernote. Replace FrontCovernote with the name of the Front Covernote to use, as configured in GFI FaxMaker.

Fax Line




Specify this parameter to request the fax to be sent on a particular fax line. Replace n with the fax line number as configured in GFI FaxMaker Configuration.

NOTE: If the line is busy or unavailable, the fax is sent on another line. To send the fax strictly from a particular line, use the following parameter:


The fax is not sent until this fax line is available.

NOTE: dl parameter is also available when using TextAPI commands in SMS to request an SMS to be sent over particular GSM line.


High resolution




Normal resolution




Use this parameter to specify the resolution of the fax. Use high (200 * 200 dpi) or normal (200 * 100 dpi) resolution.




Use this option to set a custom personal header that is added to the default fax header at the top of the fax. Replace header with the header text to add.
Transmission Report Summary

Send transmission report summary:


Never send a summary:


Use summary to receive only one transmission report when sending a fax to multiple recipients.

Use none to not send a transmission report after fax transmission.

TextAPI Example:

::John, John's Company, Smith, Sales,, 12345678

::from=Bob Jones,subject=Hi John,H,fh=Test fax

This is the fax message.
Best regards,

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Evaluating TextAPI Response Files

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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