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User received a replacement HDD, or an entire appliance. What to do next?


This article explains what needs to be done on receiving a replacement HDD or new appliance. When the user receives a replacement appliance it has no configuration on it and should be configured the same way as one would when they receive a replacement drive.



When a user receives a replacement for a failed hard drive, they either receive a SAS drive or a SATA drive.

  • SAS - This is sent when a RAID drive has failed. User has to replace the drive which is faulty from the RAID rack. The drive is hot-swap-able. It will take some time for the new drive to build
  • SATA - This is sent when the main drive (not in a RAID config) has failed or is deteriorating. The drive has not configuration on it. The user received a drive with a firmware installed on it.

To swap it follow the steps below:
Before following the steps given below, make sure, you save the config off the original drive if it is available. This can be done under System > Maintenance > Manage Config. Click on the floppy disk icon in front of the config with a green check mark. This downloads the config as a text file.

  1. Power off the unit. It goes into bypass mode and does not affect network traffic.
  2. Open the chassis cover and replace the HDD.
  3. Connect the unit to a console session (VGA/Serial DB9).
  4. Boot the appliance.
  5. Console in (monitor/keyboard to VGA or Serial DB9) to the Exinda and accept the Exinda Users License Agreement (EULA) and say 'no' to the Jump Start Config.
  6. Once you are at the prompt, type in the following
     exinda-d6d193 > en

    exinda-d6d193 # conf t
    exinda-d6d193 (config) # int eth1 ip address <IP address> <subnet mask>
    exinda-d6d193 (config) # ip default-gateway <Default Gateway>
    #### example:
    exinda-d6d193 (config) # int eth1 ip address
    exinda-d6d193 (config) # ip default-gateway
  7. Now user can access the Exinda through a browser using the management IP and save the changes.
  8. To configure the Exinda, follow the steps given below:
    • If the Exinda has the default configuration, then license the unit from the license certificate sent at the time of sale. Verify the optimizer config once and make sure the circuit sizes have been configured accurately.
      1. Go to Optimizer > Wizard.
      2. Select the necessary options and click Apply
    • If the user has a custom config and has it with them (as a text file).
      1. Open the saved config.
      2. Go to System > Maintenance > Import Config.
  9. Paste the text config there in chunks and save side by side.

Some additional steps when swapping an entire appliance. Perform these steps after Step 1 above.

  1. If you have any additional NICs in the existing unit please remove them and install on the new unit when it is powered off.
  2. Power on the new unit and attach ethernet cables to it and test network connectivity.
  3. Connect the management cable on eth1 and then try to connect to the Exinda using the IP assigned above using a web browser.
  4. Proceed from Step 3 above
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
