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Exinda CLI: Firmware Update



This article provides information related to the Exinda CLI command image which is used to manage firmware updates.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols

The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to image:


Action Description

Command Parameter Description
To download a system image from a remote host image fetch <download-URL> [{original|filename}]
  • <download-URL> - URL or scp://username:password@hostname/path/filename
  • original - Keep the same file name that the image had on the server
  • filename <filename> - The name that the image will be saved with locally

Note: Without specifying original or filename, the image will be stored as webui.img.

To install an image file onto a system partition

image install <image-filename> location <partition-number>

location <partition-number> - The location in which to install the image specified as a partition number

image install <image-filename> progress {track|no-track}

progress {track|no-track} - Show the install progress or not

image install <image-filename> verify {check-sig|ignore-sig|require-sig}

Verify the image before installing:

  • check-sig - Require the image to have a valid signature or no signature
  • ignore-sig - Ignore missing or invalid signature
  • require-sig - Require the image to have a valid signature installed

To delete an inactive system image from the hard disk

image delete <image-filename> NA (Not Applicable) 
To configure from where the appliance will boot from when re-booted image boot {location <partition-number>|next}
  • location <partition-number> - Specify the partition to boot from
  • next - Specify to boot from the partition following the current partition no image boot next
To move or rename an inactive system image on the hard disk image move <src-image-filename> <dst-image-filename>
  • <src-image-filename> - Name of the image to move or rename
  • <dst-image-filename> - New name to give the image


Note: A reboot is required after the installation is complete.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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