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Exinda CLI: Configuration



This article provides detailed information regarding the Exinda CLI command configuration

You can use the configuration command to manipulate the configuration database, and perform other basic functions such as backup, copy, merge, and view system configuration.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols


The following table describes the commands used for configuring the Exinda community and viewing configuration file details:  

Action Description Command 

Parameter Description 

To copy, move, or delete a configuration file configuration {copy|delete|move}
  • copy <source-filename> <destination-filename> - Copies the file from the source-filename to the destination-filename.
  • delete <filename> - Deletes the filename.
  • move <source-filename> <destination-filename> - Moves the file from the source-filename to the destination-filename.
To download a configuration file or a text-based configuration file from a remote host configuration [text] fetch <url or scp://username:password@hostname/path/filename>
  • fetch <url or SCP> - Fetch the file from the specified location.
  • text fetch <url or SCP>- Fetch the text-based file.
To upload a configuration file to a remote host configuration upload {active|<filename>} <URL or scp://username:password@hostname/path/filename>
  • upload active <url or scp> - Upload the activve configuration file to a remote host.
  • upload <filename> <url or scp> - Upload a configuration file to a remote host.

To re-run the initial configuration wizard

configuration jump-start NA (Not Applicable) 
To modify the active running configuration configuration {merge|revert|switch-to}
  • merge <filename> - Merges the common settings from a given configuration file into the running configuration.
  • revert saved - Reverts the running configuration to the last saved configuration.
  • switch-to <filename> - Loads a configuration file and makes it the active configuration.
To create a new configuration file, specifying optional factory default options configuration new <filename> factory {keep-basic | keep-connect}
  • factory - Create a new file with only factory defaults.
  • factory keep-basic - Keep licenses and host keys.
  • factory keep-connect - Keep configuration necessary for connectivity (interfaces, routes, and ARP).

To generate a new text-based configuration file from this systems configuration

configuration text generate {active | file <filename>} NA (Not Applicable) 
To save the running configuration configuration write {local|to <filename>}
  • write - Saves the running configuration (same as 'write memory').
  • write local - Saves the running configuration locally (same as 'write memory local').
  • write to <filename> - Saves the running configuration to a new file under a different name.
To manipulate a stored text-based configuration file configuration text file <filename> apply {fail-continue} {verbose}

Executes the commands in the specified file; shows only error output and stops on first error.

  • fail-continue - Continues execution even if one command fails.
  • verbose - Displays all the commands being executed and their output, instead of just those that have errors.
configuration text file <filename> {delete|rename|upload}
  • delete - Deletes the specified file.
  • rename <filename> - Changes the name of the specified file.
  • upload <upload-url> - Uploads the file to a remote host.
To display the contents of a configuration file show configuration {files|full|running}
  • configuration - Shows the contents of the currently active configuration file.
  • configuration files <filename> - Shows the contents of the named file.
  • configuration running [full] - Shows the contents of the currently running configuration file.
  • full - Does not exclude commands that set default values.

To display names of available configuration files with status

show configuration [text] files
  • files - Shows the list of available configuration files.
  • text files - Shows the list of available text-based configuration files.


Find more CLI commands.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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