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Exinda CLI: Email



This article provides detailed information regarding Exinda CLI command email which is used to configure email settings.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols

The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to email:


Action Description

Command Parameter Description

To configure authentication options for sending email

email auth {enable|password|username}
  • enable - Enable authentication for sending email
  • password <password> - Set password to use in SMTP authentication
  • username <username> - Set username to use in SMTP authentication
  • ssl enable - Set use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for SMTP authentication
  • starttls enable - Set the use of the advanced SSL option of using STARTTLS

To set handling of automatic support email

email autosupport {enable|event}
  • enable - Send automatic support notifications via email
  • event <event-type> - Specify which events will trigger sending autosupport notification emails, e.g. cpu-util-high

To configure settings for saving undeliverable emails

email dead-letter {enable|cleanup}
  • enable - Enable saving undeliverable emails
  • cleanup max-age <duration> - Delete any dead.letter files older than the specified age. The age format is: #d#h#m#s. For example, 1d2h3m4s or 3d.

To set the maximum attachment size for diagnostic emails

email diag-max-size <size-in-MB> NA (Not Applicable) 

To override the domain from which emails appear to come

email domain <hostname-or-IP-address> NA (Not Applicable) 

To set the mail relay to be used to send emails

email mailhub <hostname-or-IP-address> NA (Not Applicable) 

To set mail port to be used to send emails

email mailhub-port <port-number> NA (Not Applicable) 
To set handling of events and failures via email email notify {event|recipient}
  • event <event-type> - Specify which events will trigger sending notification emails, e.g. APM
  • recipient <email-address> class {failure|info} - Specify which email addresses will receive email notifications upon a failure event or an informational event
  • recipient <email-address> detail - Specify that the email notifications sent to the email addresses will be in the detailed format

To set the username in the return address of the email notifications

email return-addr <username> NA (Not Applicable) 

To include a hostname in the return address of the email notifications

email return-host NA (Not Applicable)

To send a test email to all configured event and failure recipients

email send-test NA (Not Applicable) 


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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