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Claiming GFI Prime Vouchers for Products


  • GFI Software has developed a loyalty program to generously reward customers with special deals, offers, and solutions available to all who qualify.

  • Customers who have been with GFI for over a year are eligible to become a part of the GFI Prime program.

  • GFI Prime members can access a select group of products from all GFI software solutions for free. 



Follow these steps:

  1. Login to the GFI Accounts Portal.

  2. Go to Account > GFI Prime.

  3. Click Claim Prime Product under Available GFI Prime Vouchers
    • The button does not exist if you are not entitled.
    •  View any claimed vouchers under Claimed GFI Prime Vouchers section.


  4. Select one of the available Prime products under Select the GFI Prime product to claim.

  5. Click OK.




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