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The List Is Not Updated When Sending a Fax and Remains as Loading


Sometimes its noticed that when attaching a document from 3rd party application such as GDrive, and sending a fax, the outbound fax list is not updated/refreshed and remains blank and shows Loading.


iPhone 7.0.x or later



How to Reproduce

  1. Open GDrive and select a document to attach in FMO.
  2. The compose screen is displayed with the fax appended; click Send.
  3. The user is redirected to the outbound faxes filter.
  4. Notice that sometimes the filter remains blank and shows 'Loading'.
  5. Switch to a different filter and the list is populated again.

The user must select a different filter such as 'in Progress' and then go back to the 'Outbound faxes' filter.

Required Actions


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 8 days ago
