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Evaluating the OCR Routing Module


The OCR Routing Module can be used to convert faxes into text so that your users can modify the documents, for archiving or for parsing into a database. GFI FaxMaker can also route incoming faxes based on the words or phrases which are found in the OCR text.

This article provides information about evaluating the OCR routing module.


To evaluate the OCR module:
  1. You must specifically apply for an Evaluation license key, including the OCR from our Sales/Customer Services department. Their contact details can be found at GFI Contact Details.
  2. After obtaining the key, you can set up and configure the OCR module from the GFI FaxMaker Configuration > Advanced > OCR section. GFI FaxMaker can be configured to start attaching the OCR text to incoming faxes.
  3. GFI FaxMaker can also be configured to route incoming faxes to specific users based on the text found in the OCR text. This can be done from the GFI FaxMaker Configuration > Routing > OCR.
More information can be found in the GFI FaxMaker Manual or help file which customers can access.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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