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Licensed User Details Cannot Be Saved in SMTP Mode


GFI FaxMaker configuration does not store any changes or modifications that have been applied to existing licensed users in SMTP mode.


GFI FaxMaker 2013 Build: 20131008


To resolve this issue, the user in question needs to be deleted then re-added as a new user with the modified details. There is an available patch that's applied as follows:


  1. Stop GFI FaxMaker FaxServer / Message Transfer / WSAPI service.
  2. Copy the patch "usrdbupg.exe" into GFI FaxMaker root folder.
  3. Run the patch "usrdbupg.exe".
  4. Start GFI FaxMaker FaxServer / Message Transfer / WSAPI service.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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