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Exinda CLI: Storage



This article provides information on the Exinda CLI command storage which is used to manage the disk storage used by system services.




NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'.
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets.
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols.


The following table describes the commands used for performing common actions related to storage:


Action Description Command

Parameter Description

To manage the disk storage for specified services, use the following syntax storage service {edge-cache|cifs|monitor|users|wan-memory|logs} {format|size|encrypt|no encrypt}
  • format - Format the volume being used by the specified service
  • size - Resize the volume being used by the specified service
  • encrypt - Encrypt the volume being used by the specified service
  • no encrypt - Decrypt the volume being used by the specified service

To clear the current storage tasks list, run the following command

storage tasks clear Not Applicable 
To show the current storage configuration, use the following syntax show storage [{disk|raid|service|smart|tasks}]
  • show storage - Shows the summary storage details
  • show storage disk [<disk>] - Shows storage disk details for all or a specified disk
  • show storage service {cifs|edge-cache|monitor|users|virt|wan-memory} - Shows the current storage running state for the specified service.
  • show storage tasks - Shows currently running storage tasks (e.g., size or format operations)
  • show storage raid adapter [<A>] - Shows all information about RAID adapters.
  • show storage raid adapter <A> logical - Shows information about logical drives on a specified adapter.
  • show storage raid adapter <A> drive - Shows information about physical drives on a specified adapter.
  • show storage raid adapter <A> eventlog {last <N>|all} - Shows the eventlog for a specified adapter. Use last <N> to show the last N events.
  • show storage smart device <device> attributes - Shows S.M.A.R.T. vendor attributes and values.



Resize operation is not permitted on encrypted volumes.
Put the Exinda Appliance into bypass before changing the partition size of wan-memory. See, CLI: Bypass or NIC Settings.

For examples of storage configuration, refer to Configure Storage with CLI.


You can also find more information about CLI commands.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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