FaxMaker Online Section
Overview This article provides the steps to change a particular user's fax receiving settings to use GFI FaxMaker Online Client Tool. Process If a GFI FaxMaker Online user elects to use the GFI FM Onl...
Overview This article describes the number and frequency of retry attempts that GFI FaxMaker Online can make to send an outbound fax. Information GFI FaxMaker Online attempts three times at an interva...
Overview This article provides the steps to assign a newly ported number to Users in FaxMaker Online. Process Warning: By not following these steps after your number porting is completed, your number ...
Overview It is possible to add more lines to GFI FaxMaker Online via adding more Fax Pools. This article provides the steps to complete this process. Process Open the Dashboard. Select the Add Fax Po...
Overview This article provides the steps to change the fax received format for FaxMaker Online. Process By default, FaxMaker Online will email a received fax with the fax image in TIF format. This ...
Overview This article provides the information on how to locate the current balance of local pages of GFI FaxMaker Online. Information The current balance of local pages can be reviewed in the GFI Cus...
Overview This article provides the steps to retrieve the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version. Process The version information is found in the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mic...
Overview This article provides the steps to change the user account designated to receive faxes with GFI FaxMaker. Process To select a different user to receive faxes sent to a GFI FaxMaker Online fax...
Overview This article provides the details on how to create a Crash Dump for a process that is crashing. Process For GFI LanGuard 2012 and higher These versions automatically create a dump file for an...
Overview This article provides the steps to follow for create a dump for a process that is hanging. Process To create a dump for a process that is hanging, please follow these instructions: For LanGua...