EndPointSecurity Section
Answer In order to allow GFI EndPointSecurity agents to be properly installed on your network computers from the GFI EndPointSecurity console, ensure the following are configured correctly Enable 'Fil...
Answer If users are unable to run executable files, traveler will not be able to run the decryption. A user account needs Read/Write permission for traveler to decrypt data on a storage device....
Answer During the installation of EndPointSecurity the installer will ask if you want it to create Active Directory groups to be used in the product. This is intended as a convenience but can cause co...
AnswerGFI EndPointSecurity controls access to a device separately, per user. GFI EndPointSecurity will have information on which user is accessing a device and is therefore able to decide in real time...
Answer This can be found in the Control Panel. The tool is called Devices Temporary Access....
Versions / Builds AffectedEndPointSecurity 2013 builds 20130408 / 20130719 StatusOpen Problem SummaryWhen plugging in a Windows Phone such as a Nokia Lumia, the device is allowed and there are no even...